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Hi, I'm Michael and I run the website, I hope you like what you see here.   I am a regular bargain hunter just like you.   By day I hold down a normal job, by night I scour the web looking for the best deals around.   Occasionally I take some time off to be with my wife & kids, so please excuse any expired deals!

My aim is to bring you the best deals on the web and quite frankly who doesn't like a great deal?   All I ask is that you please use the links on this site to access these deals so that I can get recognition from the Merchants for bringing them to your attention.

Also, if you just want to shop at one of our partner stores when there is no current deal in effect please use a link from this site to get there, if they ask tell them sent you.

Please support the site in this way because the longer that we're around the more deals we'll be able to bring to you!

Thanks guys!