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Palm Tungsten T Handheld for $394.99 plus free shipping at

This is a great deal!    It’s Palm’s most compact device ever.    Inside, the new Texas Instruments OMAP1510 processor (an enhanced ARM-based processor) gives you the performance you need to organize your work and your life.    You’ll have access to your essential Word, Excel and PowerPoint-compatible files.    The new operating system, Palm OS 5, offers a wide range of multimedia and wireless capabilities.    And the built-in Bluetooth technology allows you to access email and connect to the Internet with the use of a compatible mobile phone.

Click on the link to start shopping and add the following item to your cart:

  • Item# 498344, Palm Tungsten T Handheld, $394.99.

  • The order total is over $50 so you qualify for free shipping.     Click on this link